Bolt or shining blade
Bolt or shining blade

bolt or shining blade

bolt or shining blade

This method involves exploring all of the outline exterior of the map and then filling in the middle once the perimeter has been explored.

  • Most maps in the game are rectangular shapes.
  • TIP: Hover your mouse over the icons in the world map legend to light up all of the undiscovered icons on the map of that type for you to easily identify their location.
  • This method is more natural to exploring a map, but it can be disorganized and cause confusion when trying to find the last few locations.
  • Then after a lot of the map has been explored you can start focusing on the missing Hearts and harder to reach vistas and points of interest. Focus on completing renown hearts that have dynamic events nearby to speed up the completion of that Heart quest when it is faster to do so.
  • Run across the map exploring as much as possible without stopping, getting key waypoints quickly so that you can use them later.
  • Completing all zones in the five regions of Tyria – Ascalon, Kryta, Shiverpeak Mountains, Maguuma Jungle, and Ruins of Orr – is required for world completion.Īlthough you can explore the map any way you wish, there are two main ways to explore a map efficiently: After a zone has been completed, a blue bonus chest will appear that the player can then open and receive a reward. Map completion is the act of visiting all points of interest, vistas, waypoints and completing all renown hearts and hero challenges within a given zone. This gift is acquired by doing Tyria world completion and it’s the most time consuming part of the process. Before starting the process I will detail all the account bound requirements that you can’t buy with gold to optimize your time and avoid coming up short when you think you are ready to finish it. I will organize this guide into 4 steps, one for each element that you need to place in the Mystic Forge. The crafting process of the precursor is also optional. This is the only generation that has underwater weapons and three different greatswords (which you can combine). These weapons aren’t account bound by default, so you are able to buy or sell them in the trading post, but they will become bound once you equip them. These were the original legendary weapons when the game released.

    bolt or shining blade

    As legendaries are mostly cosmetic, you should choose the one you like the most and not let others make you regret your decision. While you can always preview the aesthetic of legendary weapons you don’t own by accessing in the wardrobe of your bank, there are some unique effects you cannot see that each weapon may have when you wield them, such as:Įveryone has their own tastes, preferences, and values. Also if you need more organization in following the craft progress by taking into consideration items that you might have before going shopping in the Trading Post, use the GW2Efficiency crafting tool. NOTE: I recommend if you want more details on some item acquisitions check out this LINK from the wiki. 📣 If you are looking for the Third Generation guide, Aurene Legendary and Elder Dragons Variants, jump to this guide: CLICK HERE.

    Bolt or shining blade how to#

    While this guide is a complete but general approach to show how to make any of the legendaries, you can check the list below for specifics on each one of them if you want to focus only on that.

  • Changing their wardrobe appearance costs no transmutation charges.
  • Sigils will not require salvaging to remove them.
  • Legendary Armory allows one weapon to be used on all characters simultaneously.
  • Legendary Weapons have the same amount of stats as ascended but here are some differences that Legendary Weapons have over Ascended: For some of them you will be required to do quests/achievements as well. The journey for a legendary weapon will require you to do map completion, some crafting, playing some World vs World, and different kind of account bound currency and materials.

    bolt or shining blade

    First you need to decide which weapon you want and their process will change according to which generation they belong. This guide will cover and show the entire process of how to make a legendary weapon.

    Bolt or shining blade